New healthy store in town
There is a new store in town, worthy of checking out! Natural Grocers is located at corner of 86th and Hickman in Clive. I’m most excited about their community involvement and free classes they offer in their community room. Easy Veggie Noodle Meals, Total Food Makeover, Health by Chocolate, and Optimizing the Brain & Belly are some current classes they have listed below.
They have a passport program going on right now, where when you attend 4 classes, you can redeem for a $10 gift card.
They are really going to be an asset to our community and I’m glad to welcome them to Iowa. Go check them out.
The free Easy Veggie Noodle Meals Class is Saturday, February 27th 3:30 – 5pm, by Jodi Bullock, RD, CLT.
This is also a great place to buy vitamins and pretty much has something for every kid ailment. A few years ago, my son was really lacking energy and tiring very easily. His doctor tested him for vitamin D and he was very very low, so I give both my kids vitamin D supplements. He has had such an improvement after increasing his vitamin D.
They have probiotics for kids, fiber gummies, and a lot I have never heard of that I’d like to learn more about.
I will also go buy my first real coconut. My kids have a new favorite story that is written by a distant relative about coconuts that is actually kind of cute. I also am curious about making coconut oil and drinking coconut water, and last but not least making a coconut bra.