-Blackberries 6oz, $0.99 (Aldi’s match)
-Fresh pineapple, $1.69 (Aldi’s match)
-Dole southwest salad kit, $2.50
-Baby carrots 16oz, $0.59 (Aldi’s match)
-Dozen grade A eggs, $0.99 (limit 4)
-Canned kidney beans 15oz, $0.44 (Hy-vee match)
-Creamette pasta noddles 10 – 16oz, $0.88 (Hy-vee match)
-Boneless skinless chicken breast $1.88/lb
-Turkey meatballs 32oz $4.39 (Aldi’s match)
-Taquitos steak or chicken 20 – 22.5oz, $3.89, (Aldi’s match)
-Chobani greek yogurt 5.3oz, 10 for $9
-Jacks frozen pizza (excludes rising crusts), $2
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Tentative meals this week keeping it realistic
-Southwest salad, blackberries, chips/salsa
-Meatballs/mashed potatoes
-Chicken spaghetti, bread, pineapple
-Sandwiches (chicken salad), homemade potato salad, apples
-Frozen pizza, fruit